Traffic signals

Trafflec has designed and/or constructed over 750 sets of traffic signals in Qld and NSW.

NSW RMS – Prequalified level “TSXP”:

Open and unlimited financial rating

QLD QDTMR – Prequalified R3B1F50:

Queensland’s leading installer and the first to install a “Dim by Wire” site in New South Wales.

No one else has our experience and ability to deliver all facets of traffic signals:

  • Design
  • Modelling
  • Software
  • Green Wave Linking Plans
  • Construction

Our expertise covers all systems deployed in Australia:

  • Tyco Traffic Signals Controllers
  • Phillips Traffic Signal Controllers
  • Quick Turn Circuit Controllers
  • Aldridge ATSC4 Controllers
Traffic Signals

Construction of 7 sets of Traffic Signals for FKGMJV

Location: Dalby Town Centre

What we do

Traffic Signals

General Contracting


At Trafflec we pride ourselves on the great service that we give to our clients. Here are some of the great things that our clients have said about us: